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Flag Sicilia
2 weeks vacation of coastal Sicily with the tramper. Sicily the multicultural island in the south of Italy offers manifold impressions. My round trip of coastal Sicily with a VW bus started in Messina where I drove in clockwise direction around the island: Messina, Taormina, Mount Etna, Brucoli, Augusta, Siracusa, Noto, Acate, Agrigento, Marsala, Trapani, Palermo, Cefalu, Castelbuono and back to where I have started (Messina). Sicily has more to offer than you can grab within two weeks! Very impressive was the crest of Mount Etna, the viewable richness of former days in Noto, Palermo and much more!! I also had the chance to visit a few vineyards in Sicily: in the south Valle dell´ Acate as well as De Batoli Marco e C., which is an outstanding vineyard in Marsala. However; no recommendation is given for COS as 7 of 10 wines failed - not sure what they sell to one-time-customers.
13-06-04 - Close to Taormina13-06-04 - The beautiful island close to Taormina13-06-04 - Urban park of Taormina13-06-04 - Teatro Greco-Romana di Taormina13-06-04 - Teatro Greco-Romana di Taormina13-06-04 - Piazza IX Aprile di Taormina13-06-04 - Urban park of Taormina13-06-04 - Vista to Taormina13-06-04 - Travelling up to the Etna where you still see the aftermath of an eruption 20 years ago...13-06-04 - Travelling up to the Etna where you still see the aftermath of an eruption 20 years ago...13-06-04 - Etna - Nicolosi north - aftermath of an eruption shows traces of devastation13-06-04 - Etna - at the extinct krater Monte Silvestri13-06-04 - Etna - at the extinct krater Monte Silvestri13-06-04 - Etna - vista to the extinct krater Monte Silvestri13-06-04 - Etna - at the extinct krater Monte Silvestri14-06-04 - Climbing tour to volcano Etna14-06-04 - Climbing tour to volcano Etna14-06-04 - Climbing tour to volcano Etna14-06-04 - Climbing tour to volcano Etna - sulfur, no sight, smoke-spitting krater at the top of the Etna - amazing14-06-04 - Climbing tour to volcano Etna - active krater from the last eruption at top of the Etna at arounf 2.900 meter attitude15-06-04 - Stop in Augusta - Brucoli - at the camping site Baia del Silenzio16-06-04 - The Ear of Dionysios - a huge grotto close to Siracusa16-06-04 - Siracusa - island (peninsula) Ortigia16-06-04 - Stop in Noto, a small city having lunatic Sicilian baroque 16-06-04 - Greek temple in Agrigento18-06-04 - Saline in-between Marsala and Trapani18-06-04 - Archimedean screw in the Museum of Salt in Nubia18-06-04 - Windmills close to Nubia21-06-04 - Red domes of church San Cataldo (Palermo)21-06-04 - Cathedral of Palermo22-06-04 - Cefalů - nice town east of Palermo
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