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Reisebericht 2019 Russland - Sankt Petersburg
One week Saint Petersburg in Russia in October 2019. Shortly after having all over the world the same length of day and night I expected still suitable days in Saint Petersburg. Only the temperatures were slightly low, there was much rain and the "Indian Summer" has already started here. One week Saint Petersburg! Since a few month the highest building of Europe is located here - and it fit's perfect to Saint Petersburg. Apart from this there is enough here to check and see: Hermitage, Russian Museum, churches and cathedrales. Just a few miles from here there are nice spots, too. We just made it to Palace Peterhof. First time Russia; and I was really impressed of the very good "cuisine" here.
30-09-19 - Welcome greetings from the Courtyard Marriott in Saint Petersburg30-09-19 - Sculpture of the way to dinner01-10-19 - Large palace square at the Hermitage in Saint Petersburg01-10-19 - Visit of the Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg01-10-19 - Large palace square at the Hermitage in Saint Petersburg01-10-19 - Lunch in restaurant Mamalyga01-10-19 - Lunch in restaurant Mamalyga01-10-19 - Lunch in restaurant Mamalyga01-10-19 - Art Nouveau Building House Singer01-10-19 - Famous Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood (Собор Воскресения Христова)01-10-19 - Famous Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood (Собор Воскресения Христова)02-10-19 - Peter and Paul Fortress on an island02-10-19 - Hop-On Hop-Off Tour thru Saint Petersburg02-10-19 - Hop-On Hop-Off Tour thru Saint Petersburg03-10-19 - Visiting the Issac Cathedrale in Saint Petersburg03-10-19 - Visiting the Issac Cathedrale in Saint Petersburg04-10-19 - In the Faberge Museum04-10-19 - In the Faberge Museum04-10-19 - In the Russia Museum04-10-19 - A rain gutter somewhere in the city04-10-19 - A beer for dinner05-10-19 - Cruising to Peterhof Palace: Sight to Hermitage Museum05-10-19 - Cruising to Peterhof Palace: Sight to river Newa and Trinity Bridge05-10-19 - Cruising to Peterhof Palace: Sight to river Newa and legacy three-master05-10-19 - Cruising to Peterhof Palace: Sight to river Newa and the new stadium05-10-19 - Cruising to Peterhof Palace: Gazprom-Tower (Lakhta Center) - highest tower in Europe05-10-19 - Cruising to Peterhof Palace: Gazprom-Tower (Lakhta Center) - highest tower in Europe05-10-19 - Sunshine at the Peterhof Palace outside of Saint Petersburg05-10-19 - Sunshine at the Peterhof Palace outside of Saint Petersburg05-10-19 - Sunshine at the Peterhof Palace outside of Saint Petersburg05-10-19 - Sunshine at the Peterhof Palace outside of Saint Petersburg05-10-19 - In Palace Peterhof outside of Saint Petersburg05-10-19 - In Palace Peterhof outside of Saint Petersburg05-10-19 - In Palace Peterhof outside of Saint Petersburg06-10-19 - Zoom from hotel room to Gazprom-Tower (Lakhta Center)06-10-19 - Visiting the Okeanarium: jelly fish06-10-19 - Visiting the Russian warship Aurora (Аврора Awrora)06-10-19 - Visiting the Russian warship Aurora (Аврора Awrora)06-10-19 - On the way to "Peter and Paul Fortress"
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