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From May to June 2022 we were on the road with our own car. Very relaxing from Alba, via Brescia and Rome to Brindisi. Here we took the ferry Grimaldi zo Greece. After one night the destination was Athens; were fore sure the Acropolis was a highlight. Walking up the Acropolis was an adventure as the mercury stated 35 degrees in shadow... ...but no shadow to be found... Afterwards one week relaxing in Corfu with sufficient sun. Back again with the ferry overnight, this time with cabine. Then Tuscany for three days where we lived close to Firenze. And finaly we went back home via Milan: 6.000 kilometers are somehow exhausting...
30-05-22 - Visit of the vineyard Borgogne in Barolo31-05-22 - Who the hell hang up the rhino?04-06-22 - Impressive Rio-Andirrio-Bridge04-06-22 - Impressive Rio-Andirrio-Bridge05-06-22 - Even during renovation beautiful.05-06-22 - Even during renovation beautiful.05-06-22 - Panorama view to Athens05-06-22 - Even during renovation beautiful, but I am more impressive LOL.08-06-22 - Beach d' Amour in Sidari, a beauty12-06-22 - Beach d' Amour in Sidari, a beauty12-06-22 - Beach d' Amour in Sidari, a beauty13-06-22 - At the <<New Venetian Fortress>> in Kerkira13-06-22 - At the <<New Venetian Fortress>> in Kerkira13-06-22 - A temple on the <<New Venetian Fortress>> in Kerkira15-06-22 - View to the castle of Kerkira from the ferry to Igoumenitsa16-06-22 - Great grotto town in  South-Italy16-06-22 - Great grotto town in  South-Italy16-06-22 - Great bay for swimming in Polignano18-06-22 - Siena is always and always a visit worth18-06-22 - Siena is always and always a visit worth
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