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2024 - Baltic States and more
Travel impressions from summer vacation in Czech, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Slovakia: We started in Prague and afterwards we have reached Wrocław (a beautiful town) and Warsaw (quite expensive) in Poland before we shifted the focus to the Baltic States with Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. Swimming in the Baltic Sea is refreshing and will stay in our memories. As last step we visited Krakow in the south of Poland.
2022 - Greece
Three weeks in late spring Greece with an arrivla via Italy was our goal. One destination was Athens; slightly disappointing, but for sure the Acropolis was a highlight. Afterwards one week relaxing in Corfu with sufficient sun. Back again via Italy: 6.000 kilometers are somehow exhausting...
2019 - Saint Petersburg
One week Saint Petersburg in the very early days of October 2019: this town put a spell on you with its impressive buidings and beautiful sights. Here the Indian Summer already started; but weather still was fine for sightseeing... Beneath these old buidings the impressive Gazprom-Tower is the new townmark.
2018 - Balkan
From 22nd December 2018 to 2nd January 2019 I had a different Christmas celebration in Balkan: From Zagreb in Croatia I moved to Belgrade in Serbia. Afterwrds I drove to Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina and then to Podgorica in Montenegro. New Years Eve I spent in Split. Motto: 4 countries and 4 capitals!
2017 - India
From October 2015 to May 2017 my business brought me to Navi Mumbai. After that I was three times for personal reasons there. This gave me a quite different view to the Indian life. In the beginning I visited Colaba, Juhu, Bandra, Kharghar, Lonavala, Kashid Beach, Chiplun, Guhagar Beach... Later on I used Air India to see Goa, Kerala, Mysore and Bangalore. Amazing!
2016 - South Africa
In autum 2016 I started in Cape Town, saw Cape of Good Hope, the Table Rock, Kirstenbosch, Franschhoek, Hermanus, and the Kruger Park with plenty of animals - and yes, I saw the Big Five. Amazing trip, once in your life you need to see it!
2016 - Philippines
In the beginning of 2016 I went for three weeks to the Philippines. Yes, the Philippines are expensive, yes the meals are neither fine, but the Philippines offer fantastic landscape panorama, several nice islands (Luzon, Bohol, Boracay, Palawan) paradise beaches, water sports, nightlife, etc.
2015 - Vietnam
From February to March 2015 I spent 4 weeks in Vietnam. I travelled from north to south, means Hanoi, Ha Long Bai, Hue, Hoi An, Nha Trang, Phuc Quoc, Mekong delta and Ho Chi Minh City. I had wonderful moments, met very friendly people, had delicious meals (especially the Nem) and releaxed at lovely beaches. Great!
2013 - Egypt
After the Egyptian Revolution and before, some in-between the Egyptian protests I was in February 2013 in Egypt. I enjoyed one week cruising on the Nile and afterwards one week at the beach. Sometimes the view to the sights were not blocked by fellow tourists, what gave best photos... Especially the Nile cruise having stops at 3,000 to 4,500 years old relicts is impressive!
2012 - India
"Incredible India": yep, I have heard a lot and went nosey. Crowds of human beings, noises all around, friendly people, delicious meals, beggars, poverty, colors, cold in the north and heat in the south... Within nearly 6 weeks vacation I packed a lot of West-India: Rajasthan, Kerala, Goa und Maharashtra...
2010 - Thailand
More that 5 weeks between December 2009 and January 2010 has infected me with the Asian fever. Not only delicious (and partially extremely hot) meals, the vivid life in Bangkok, fantastic beaches at the islands Koh Chang and Koh Bulon put a spell on me. The friendliness of the Thai, driving Tuk-Tuk, the dazzling sun, as well as Chang and Singa beer is a part of Thailand.
2010 - South-Korea
In November 2009 and in August 2010 I had a working stay in South Korea. By this I saw mainly Seoul and Ulsan. While having in November temperature below zero was the sweltry August the opposite. I met gently people, got fantastic stuff for lunch and dinner (yes, you need chop sticks), sang karaoke, saw old temples surroundend by skyscrapers, classical music in the tube, etc.
2008 - Paris
In 2008 I had several working stays in Paris. Paris is a must for those who love travelling. Much impressing places, city sights, buildings, churches, restaurants, river cruising... Just to name a few: Arc of Triumph, Champs-Elysees, Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, Louvre, Concorde Square, Butte Montmartre, Arch of Defense... Vive la France!
2006 - USA South-East
In April and September 2008 I had two working stay in Spartanburg. Not only enjoying the warmth here, at the weekends I collected unforgettable impressions of South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee: Ceasars Head State Park, Table Rock State Park, Charleston (flair of "Gone with the Wind"), swamplands, Myrtle Beach, Great Smoky Mountain National Park...
2004 - Sicilia
In June 2004 I did a round trip through Sicily with the camper. The island Sicily has a multicultural history and lies in the very south of Italy. In clockwise direction I saw - beneath others - Taormina, Mount Etna, Siracusa, Noto, Acate, Agrigento, Marsala, Palermo, Cefalu. Most impressive was the active volcano Etna!
2003 - Southern-Italy
Visiting the south of Italy in June 2001, May and October 2002 as well as in May and November 2003 plus 2005, 2006 and 2008. In the regions Apulia, Campania and Calabra I saw mountains, forests, perfect beaches, historical places, Greek relicts, gently hospitality and much more - but as well. Last but not least the south was not that much contaminated by tourism as other regions!
2002 - USA New York
6 weeks working stay in Woodcliff Lake (New Jersey) from September to October 2002. And for sure, at the weekends I was going to New York and did sightseeing. One year after Nine-Eleven there was still a different atmosphere, but I did the complete tourist tours: Wall Street, Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building, Central Part, Brooklyn Bridge...
1998 - Morocco
In November 1998 I went to Morocco, the land of the landscape of the brown tones. All shown impressions arose during our one week vacation in Morocco. Although I had a package holiday with stay in Agadir (not that nice) I was fascinated and collected unforgettable memories of Anti-Atlas, Agadir, Tafraoute, Marrakesh, Essaouria...
1995 - Central America
From December 1995 to January 1996 I explored for four weeks Central America and enjoyed in Mexico and El Salvador the warm winter: Mexico-City, Veracruz, Cancun, San Salvador, Guatemala-City. Fantastic, gently people, hot weather, hot meals, Caribbean and Pacific. However four weeks are definetely not enough!
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